XIX Edizione PALERMO - Italy  17-23  MAGGIO 2004
Città di Palermo
Assessorato allo Sport
World Festival On The Beach
La manifestazione che trasforma per una settimana la spiaggia di Palermo, 
Mondello in Sicilia, in un villaggio turistico unico al Mondo




The Linguists high school and the Preofessional Institute of Salvemini win the first students 2x2 beach volley tournament held in Mondello at the 19th edition of the World Festival on the Beach.
Valenti and Vicari beat in the final Compsto and Scaglione, which were considered to win the girls final. The favourites of the boys teams were Garofalo and Cocilove (Cannizzaro high school) who couldn’t make it more than second place behind Cuti and Spanò. The tournament which was also open to the prep. High schools had a great participation success with more than 120 participants, they also proved to have a good technique level.

Press Office

The final results :

High School

1.       Salvemini Cuti/Spanò
2.       Cannizzaro  Garofalo/Cocilovo
3.       ITI Volta La Rosa/Sinagra
4.       Pio La Torre Picone/Mostini

1.      Linguists B Valenti/Vicari
2.      Linguists C Composto/ Scaglione
3.      Cannizaro La Barbera/Acquaro
4.      Vitt.Eman. Il Patromaggio/Vullo

Prep. High School

1.      Impastato A Gandolfo/Vaccaro
2.      V.E Orlando  C Rasa/D’Antoni
3.      V.E Orlando  A Di Mattei/Alioto
         Impastato B La Spisa/Genova

1.      Borgese A Puccio/Montaina
2.      Borgese B Pilo/Merluzzo
3.      V.E Orlando C Drago/Adragna
         V.E Orlando B Giambolardo/Faraci




www.wwfestival.com - Tel.+39 91 6844483  Fax+39 91 6843785 - E-mail: albaria@tin.it
Sede mare:Viale Regina Elena, 89 - 90149 Mondello-Palermo - Tel./Fax +39 91 453595